Effective methods of cleaning the body from parasites at home

We rarely consider, the number of parasites dwells in our body – there are a lot of online video where you can see with your own eyes.


In the first place, of course, the helminths (worms), the presence of which we may not even suspect, until that helminth infections do not go into more difficult phase, and irregularities in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs, sensations and ill-health copy on anything, including the environment.

Why and when to do a cleaning of the organism against the parasites

In the course of long years in our body builds up the mass of waste and toxins; the mass of toxins also stands out in the life processes of the parasites and slowly poisons.

Many do not like to go to the doctors and, even given the presence of earthworms, prefer to clean it yourself.

However, the cleaning of the organism against the parasites in the house of an event is not only extremely important, but requires some knowledge.

Of animals with helminths, known to all, are also a variety of fungi, viruses, protozoa, and others, the number of which is calculated by the dozens and the hundreds.

Yes, earthworms do not necessarily live in the GASTRO-intestinal tract, the place of location of several species that can become any organ, up to the heart and the brain.

Their means of subsistence in the human body is not only deprived of a part of the nutrients from food, but is at the origin of poisoning by toxins released by the parasites.

The presence of parasites, in particular worms, can testify to the next symptoms:

  • the GASTRO-intestinal distress, with abdominal pain, nausea, sometimes constipation and/or diarrhea;
  • the abrupt change of the mass of the body (most often to the decline, but it is sometimes possible to excess weight) with increase or, on the contrary, a loss of appetite;
  • the consistent sensation of tiredness, weakness, drowsiness, and insomnia;
  • frequent headaches;
  • violations of the liver and gallbladder;
  • the drop in the level of haemoglobin in the blood until the anemia;
  • the manifestations of the allergy, which before is not specified, most often in the form of skin rashes;
  • the weakening of the immune system.
The diagnosis

But, as already mentioned, the types of them to a number incredible, and for an effective treatment, you need to determine what type of their species a parasite in the body.

Without laboratory analysis, it is impossible, and they are not always the first time gives reliable, so, before you start the cleaning of the organism, it is highly recommended to take the tests several times.

It should not be forgotten that, for the most dangerous helminthes is characteristic of the flow, and only their timely detection can often prevent a fatal outcome.

But even if the helminth infections in the face of these fatal consequences, it can poison the life, and therefore of him, it is necessary to get rid by all appropriate means, medicinal drugs, or home remedies.

With what to begin? First of all, with your doctor and the filing of the analyses. Secondly, the cleaning operations must not only in the body, but also in the surrounding area of its space, so that the eggs of helminths can be found in dusty carpets, floor coverings, bed linen, the surface of the furniture, etc, and keep their vitality at home.

You must also:

  • particularly careful to observe the measures of personal hygiene;
  • exhibiting products such as meat and fish cooked thoroughly and the vegetables and fruits must be washed.

It is, of course, not all measures to prevent the worms, but even they will help you to reduce the risk of a resumption of load.

Methods of cleansing the body

Nobody can say with certainty what is the best service, especially in the home.

Drug tools act more rapidly, a lot of them are only updated once, usually with the repetition of receipt, within two weeks, but do not forget about contra-indications and side-effects of the action.

Treatment of folk remedies is usually done in a course, a week or several weeks, but it is softer.

Before choosing the method of cleaning the body from parasites at home, we recommend that you read the recipe, to a mode of reception possible contra-indications and choose the one that will be most effective against the specific type of helminth infection, which was diagnosed in you or your loved ones.


Please note that some tools are not adapted for children, in addition, you need to determine the exact dosage and the scheme of the reception and not change.

If you notice an individual intolerance, the treatment should stop and choose another.

Good reviews on the cleaning of the organism against the parasites of Semenova. As a candidate of biological sciences, Hope Semenova and is regarded as a popular healer, because of the subtleties of the has studied the properties of natural products, plants, herbs, etc, used in the traditional medicine for these purposes.

On their basis, it has developed its full method of cleansing the body from parasites, including several aspects, including a good diet to get rid of toxins and the deprivation of the parasites in favour of culture medium, candies, pastries and other products.

For the purification became effective, the best is to go on feeding a vegetarian with a sufficient amount of liquid (at least 2 litres of water per day).

When exactly diagnosed view of the helminth infection, the program should repeat the intervals of time, which depends on the life cycle of the parasite specific.

Itself, it is generally perishes, but in the body can keep the larvae and eggs, which can develop in large individuals.

Therefore, the courses have to repeat several times with an interval of 18 to 20 days: for example, pinworm – two times, and when the roundworm and vlasoglavah – four.

Medicamentous means

Currently, there are many medications against parasites: some are effective against certain types of worms, for example, be round or tapeworms or liver flukes, others have a broad spectrum of action.

However, it should be understood that the effectiveness of the impact inevitably results in negative consequences for the organism due to toxicity of the drugs, they return to their more or less.

In order to minimize the effects of the more helminth infection and drugs, the treatment is usually carried out in a comprehensive manner, in three stages: the preparatory stage, strictly anti-helminthic and restorative.

In thrapeutique includes tools to prevent the poisoning of the loss of mass of the parasites; they also help to overcome the negative effects of the impact of parasites on the body.

Folk remedies

For the cleaning of the organism against the parasites in the house uses a variety of national resources, mainly of the products and the grass, having pungent, bitter and spicy, it is precisely this which is absolutely not tolerate helminths. On this, and based their cleansing effect.


  • For enemas spend a couple of cloves of garlic through the press, pour a glass of warm water, night to insist, and in the morning, drain and do an enema. Repeat in a period of 5 days.
  • 0,25 cup of grated horseradish and crushed garlic mix, pour 1 liter of water, let infuse during 10 days. Take a half-hour before meals 1 c. l. x 3 rubles per day.
  • 12 drops of garlic juice diluted in 200 ml of warm milk and take a half-hour before meals 3 rubles per day. During 7 days.
  • Purified clove of garlic inserted in to the night in the anus, in the morning remove it.

Herbs (wormwood, tansy, cloves, and others).

  • Mix chopped sun-dried the herb: artemisia (30 g), cloves (50 g) and tansy (100 g). Take a half-hour before meals according to the scheme: 1 day 1 time 1 tablespoon, 2-nd day – double-1 c., with 3 days in a row and three times per day, 1 tsp with slide.
  • 2 tablespoons of dried flowers, tansy pour boiling water (1 l), drain them, and take them before the meal with 0.5 part x 3 rubles per day.

The bicarbonate of soda.

30 g of baking soda, pour 800 ml of water and dissolve completely. First do an enema of 2 liters of normal water, and then enter the solution sode and try to delay defecation for at least half an hour.

After defecation resume the enema of normal water. Repeat the procedure daily 7-8 times.

With the brandy and castor oil.

Mix 50 ml of brandy and castor oil (rendezvous point), within a period of 2-3 days to drink in the morning on an empty stomach. To avoid dehydration, it is recommended to drink more water.

Liver cleansing olive oil and lemon juice.

Prepare 200 ml of olive oil (preheat) and 200 ml of juice pressed from a mash of lemon. Before bed put a hot water bottle on the liver, and every 15 minutes, drink a mouthful of oil and juice. In the morning with the feces will come out of the stagnation of the bile and many other harmful substances.

(Attention! At the present time offers of drugs more gentle.)



The purification of the organism against the parasites, even at home, in any case, for him, the stress, all the more that it will increase the selection of toxin of the loss of mass of helminths.

Therefore, the contra-indications for many:

  • pregnancy and breast-feeding;
  • the presence of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardio-vascular, immune and the endocrine system;
  • oncology;
  • against-indication-temporary – flu and SARS.

Even if you do not suffer from these diseases, you should consult your doctor if you can switch of purification of the body of folk remedies.